
BENJAMIN HEALD LTD | 何杰鸣 商务 咨询(上海)有限公司

Benjamin Heald Ltd collaborates with internationally recognised brands and design agencies across a wide range of product categories. Our aim is to convert a Brand’s DNA into a design language which delights and engages with a user through a strong emotional pull.

We focus on a Human Centred Design approach combined with a bold, striking, innate sense of form to help brands set their products aside from the competition. We work to identify key consumer insights and convert them into tangible features and form, combined with strong thinking to bring creative solutions to design problems.

We partner with high quality designers, engineers, prototype makers and suppliers to ensure the product concept and intent remains intact throughout the design process.

Design services include:
Market Analysis
Ethnographic Research
Trend Forecasting
Industrial Design
Project Management

Benjamin Heald Ltd is a fully registered Wholly Owned Foreign Enterprise (WOFE) based in Shanghai.




